Established on January 2017, the main objective of the Women on Board Association Türkiye (WOB Türkiye) is to promote social development by increasing female representation on boards.

WOB Türkiye works with the mission to undertake an advocacy role for all stakeholders regarding the social and economic benefit of equal gender representation on Boards and to help women develop themselves for this purpose.

The origin of our association is the Cross-Company Mentoring Program for More Women on Boards, the first formation to serve this purpose and created in 2012 by Hande Yaşargil , Mentor Consulting Executive Partner and Burçak Güven , Journalist and Clinical Psychologist.

The Women on Board Program was initiated in order to expand the pool of women “ready” to play their role in support of the increase of female representation on boards. It is Turkey’s first and only certificate program accredited by respected academic institutions. One of the main elements of the program is the Mentoring system between companies that gives the opportunity to be Mentored by the country’s most effective business people and opinion leaders. During each 18 month period, our Mentors play an important part by working with new female Mentees and helping them prepare for their role on Boards.

Until now the first five terms have been completed with 263 high level female executives graduating and the sixth term of the Women on Board Program began in January 2024. With the participation of 68 new leading women the WOB Türkiye Mentee network has reached 331 people. .

While carrying out this unique program, WOB Türkiye is also working as a communications, cooperation, awareness and information sharing platform in order to increase female representation on boards.